Friday, October 11, 2013

The Audrey Hepburn Experience in the Heart of Rome

This past weekend I once again had the amazing privilege to work with the charming and inspirational Grace Kelly founder and creator of CityGirlConfidence and The Audrey Hepburn Experience Event in Rome . As you might already know Grace works with women from all over the world. She helps them transform their carreers . She has created this event in order for women to step into their powerful brands with beauty Hepburn style!! My job was to capture these two beautiful women's innermost beauty by doing their makeup and hair and let them  shine through the camera. Shooting in a city like Rome makes my job quite easy...the bright sun and warn colored buildings enwrap these women's beauty and allows them to show their true colors. Both Natalia and Barbara were a pleasure to work with... each had special qualities that I bring along with me in my heart  . I hope you enjoy these pictures and that you might want join me and Grace Kelly  ( link ) for the next Audrey Hepburn Experience in La Bella ROMA !!
Visit Natalia Shpek's website ( link )

Visit Barbara Cummings website ( link )

 A special thanks to Grace Kelly ( link ) and her partner Francesco Macchitella , life coach
The Audrey Hepburn Team


  1. Love it! Beautiful photos and beautiful smiles!
    Great job darling
    Maria Ester

    1. Ciao Maria! Thank you so much! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜—
